
Skill type: Trait
Skill subtype: Subterfuge, background
Primary user: Watcher, any other may take this trait at creation
Casting cost: 1 Train
Range: Special
Syntax: Note Forge <sender>

Watchers and those who opt to take this trait on creation may attempt to forge a false sender of a given note. This may be an arbitrary string; the following examples are all valid syntax:

  • Note forge Eithol
  • Note forge Eithol Arandian
  • Note forge Eithol Arandian, Guildmaster of the Watcher Guild of Var Bandor

The recipient of the note will see the string supplied as the sender of the note, exactly as it is typed. Care is therefore advised when using this skill, as a mis-typed sender could easily alert the recipient. There is, after all, no guarantee that even a good forgery will be believed.

Deities are known to punish those who attempt to impersonate them, even via writing, so attempting to do so is not recommended.