Invoke totem

Invoke Totem
Skill type: Skill
Skill subtype: Various effects depending on the totem
Primary user: Druid
Duration: Instant
Casting cost: Varies, depends on the totem
Requirements: an equipped totem
Syntax: Totemcast

A druid using a totem in their float slot may invoke it, unleashing the power contained within. Once this is done, the totem will not be able to be removed for a short period.

If the totem has been infused with charges, it will be fully effective; it will only be half as powerful without this. Once its charges have been spent, it will look like the simple wooden carving it began life as. With the totemic attunement skill, it will provide a bonus to the user once it has been invoked.

See also: Totem, Rite of infusion, Totemic attunement