Knee shatter

Knee Shatter
Skill type: Skill
Skill subtype: Attack, Skill upgrade
Primary user: Gladiator, Bandit
Duration: Level/30 Hours
Range: Current Opponent
Requirements: Kick skill
Syntax: Kick

Bandits and gladiators, both comfortable with using dirty tricks in combat, are able to shatter their opponent's knee when they kick at them. It is more difficult to shatter the knee of someone whose skin is protected by the stone skin or stone shell spells. Characters who have a shattered knee will have markedly reduced dexterity, will be slowed if they walk, and consume extra movement points when they do walk. Flying will naturally obviate the latter two penalties, but the first will still apply. Someone with a shattered knee will have a much harder time kicking people themselves.

Primary Attribute: Strength

See also: KICK