
Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Damage, Charge up Attack
Primary user: Fire templar
Duration: See Text
Casting cost: 60 mana
Range: Single PC or Mob
  • Cast 'Nova' <duration from 1-3>
  • Cast 'Nova' <target>

This spell allows the caster to channel a ball of flame directly from the elemental plane of fire. He must first charge the nova before it can be discharged on the target. The wait time for this spell is measured as 1+the specified duration in ticks, and may be from 1 to 3.

Any command input while charging a nova has a chance to cause the spell to dischage upon the caster. Damage to the caster from any source save his own fury or wings during charging will always cause the spell to backfire as well. The longer the spell has been charging, the greater the potential backlash. If a nova goes uncast after three times the initial specified charge length, there is a significant chance it will detonate on the caster and room he is in. For example, a nova cast with a duration of 1 will expire after 3 ticks, and duration of 3 will expire after 9 ticks.

Once a nova has been charged, it can be cast as any other spell. The amount of damage dealt by the nova decreases the longer the caster waits before casting it.