Serpent's fang

Serpent's Fang
Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Status effect, Poison, Anti-Disarm
Primary user: Void Templar
Duration: Level/6 Hours
Casting cost: 50 mana
Range: Target Weapon or PC or Mob
Requirements: a melee weapon
Syntax: Cast "Serpent's Fang" <target>

This spell brands a weapon with a serpent's fang. This will poison the weapon and render it unable to be removed for the duration of the spell. The caster will find their maximum mana penalized for the duration. One may place this spell upon a wielded weapon by casting it upon a person.

Unlike other forms of disarmament protection, Serpent's Fang will also prevent the weapon from being dropped, even if the holder has insufficient strength to wield it.

See Also: Disarmed