Shadow mastery

Shadow Mastery
Skill type: Skill
Skill subtype: Stealth
Primary user: Thief
Duration: Level/4 Hours, or until mana runs out
Casting cost: 20 Mana
Per-tick cost: 10 Mana, normal mana regen is disabled
Range: User only
Requirements: City Terrain
Syntax: Shadow

With a life spent hiding, comes a mastery of the shadows. Thieves who learn the art of shadow mastery can completely conceal themselves in cities, resulting in virtual undetectability. While so hidden, almost all commands are restricted; most will both lag him and break the effects of shadow mastery. It is not possible to initiate combat while under shadow mastery; all attempts will automatically fail. Because it is not possible to act while affected by this skill, the thief will not time out due to inactivity. This skill also carries an upkeep cost of 10 mana per half-hour. Even if he would ordinarily have a positive mana regeneration despite the upkeep cost of the skill, the thief will see no such gain.

As with hide, it is not possible to enter shadow mastery if one is affected by ethereal flame, faerie fog, or similar skills, if the room is affected by ethereal blaze, or while bleeding.