The Front Room

The Front Room is a high-end fashion boutique/armour store on the eastern side of Earendam.

Price Item
a pair of diamond stud earrings
| Object:   a pair of diamond stud earrings |
| Flags:    durable nodestroy               |
| Weight:   0.1                             |
| Wear:     head                            |
| Level:    47                              |
| Material: diamond                         |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| Type:         jewelry                     |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| Affects resistance to charm by 3          |
| Affects resistance to mental by 4         |
| Affects charisma by 2                     |
| Affects saves by -4                       |
| Affects mana by 20                        |
a silver cravat
| Object:   a silver cravat |
| Flags:	none        	|
| Weight:   0.5         	|
| Wear: 	neck        	|
| Level:	47          	|
| Material: silk        	|
| ------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor   	|
| AC:  4                	|
| ------------------------- |
| Affects hp by 10      	|
| Affects mana by 30    	|
| Affects saves by -2   	|
| Affects armor class by -6 |
a finely-wrought necklace hung with a ruby
| Object:   a finely-wrought necklace hung with a ruby |
| Flags:	magic durable                          	|
| Weight:   0.2                                    	|
| Wear: 	neck                                   	|
| Level:	50                                     	|
| Material: ruby                                   	|
| ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	gem                                	|
| ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Affects charisma by 1                            	|
| Affects mana by 25                               	|
| Affects resistance to fire by 2                  	|
| Affects saves by -2                              	|
34p 7g 7s
an ivory silk wedding dress
| Object:   an ivory silk wedding dress |
| Flags:	nonmetal                	|
| Weight:   1.2                     	|
| Wear: 	torso legs arms         	|
| Level:	51                      	|
| Material: silk                    	|
| ------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor               	|
| AC:  3                            	|
| ------------------------------------- |
| Affects charisma by 3             	|
20p 5g
a burgundy cravat
| Object:   a burgundy cravat |
| Flags:	none          	|
| Weight:   0.5           	|
| Wear: 	neck          	|
| Level:	47            	|
| Material: silk          	|
| --------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor     	|
| AC:  4                  	|
| --------------------------- |
| Affects hp by 10        	|
| Affects mana by 20      	|
| Affects saves by -2     	|
| Affects armor class by -5   |
| Affects damage roll by 1	|
20p 5g
a fine, bone coloured silk shirt
| Object:   a fine, bone coloured silk shirt |
| Flags:	none                         	|
| Weight:   1.0                          	|
| Wear: 	torso                        	|
| Level:	47                           	|
| Material: silk                         	|
| ------------------------------------------ |
| Type:     	armor                    	|
| AC:  5                                 	|
| ------------------------------------------ |
| Affects hp by 20                       	|
| Affects mana by 20                     	|
| Affects saves by -2                    	|
| Affects armor class by -6              	|
9p 5g
a loose black shirt
| Object:   a loose black shirt |
| Flags:	none            	|
| Weight:   1.0             	|
| Wear: 	torso           	|
| Level:	47              	|
| Material: silk            	|
| ----------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor       	|
| AC:  5                    	|
| ----------------------------- |
| Affects armor class by -3 	|
| Affects mana by 10        	|
| Affects hp by 5           	|
| Affects damage roll by 2  	|
a form-fitting black dress
| Object:   a form-fitting black dress |
| Flags:	nonmetal               	|
| Weight:   0.8                    	|
| Wear: 	torso legs             	|
| Level:	47                     	|
| Material: silk                   	|
| ------------------------------------ |
| Type:     	armor              	|
| AC:  6                           	|
| ------------------------------------ |
| Affects armor class by -6        	|
| Affects hp by 30                 	|
| Affects saves by -6              	|
| Affects charisma by 1            	|
a pair of sheer, silken black stockings
| Object:   a pair of sheer, silken black stockings |
| Flags:	none                                	|
| Weight:   0.7                                 	|
| Wear: 	legs                                	|
| Level:	47                                  	|
| Material: silk                                	|
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor                           	|
| AC:  5                                        	|
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| Affects saves by -3                           	|
| Affects mana by 5                             	|
| Affects hp by 20                              	|
| Affects damage roll by 1                      	|
a pair of finely-cut, charcoal-grey trousers
| Object:   a pair of finely-cut, charcoal-grey trousers |
| Flags:	none                                     	|
| Weight:   2.0                                      	|
| Wear: 	legs                                     	|
| Level:	47                                       	|
| Material: cloth                                    	|
| ------------------------------------------------------ |
| Type:     	armor                                	|
| AC:  7                                             	|
| ------------------------------------------------------ |
| Affects mana by 15                                 	|
| Affects hp by 15                                   	|
| Affects saves by -2                                	|
| Affects armor class by -5                          	|
a pair of tailored black trousers
| Object:   a pair of tailored black trousers |
| Flags:	none                          	|
| Weight:   2.0                           	|
| Wear: 	legs                          	|
| Level:	47                            	|
| Material: cloth                         	|
| ------------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor                     	|
| AC:  7                                  	|
| ------------------------------------------- |
| Affects armor class by -6               	|
| Affects hp by 15                        	|
| Affects hit roll by 3                   	|
| Affects damage roll by 2                	|
a long, finely-cut black coat
| Object:   a long, finely-cut black coat |
| Flags:	none                      	|
| Weight:   6.0                       	|
| Wear: 	body                      	|
| Level:	47                        	|
| Material: cloth                     	|
| --------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor                 	|
| AC:  7                              	|
| --------------------------------------- |
| Affects mana by 20                  	|
| Affects hp by 20                    	|
| Affects saves by -2                 	|
| Affects armor class by -8           	|
13p 5g
a pair of knee-high black boots
| Object:   a pair of knee-high black boots |
| Flags:	none                        	|
| Weight:   4.0                         	|
| Wear: 	feet                        	|
| Level:	47                          	|
| Material: leather                     	|
| ----------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor                   	|
| AC:  9                                	|
| ----------------------------------------- |
| Affects mana by 10                    	|
| Affects hp by 5                       	|
| Affects saves by -2                   	|
| Affects damage roll by 2              	|
a pair of silver-buckled black boots
| Object:   a pair of silver-buckled black boots |
| Flags:	none                             	|
| Weight:   4.0                              	|
| Wear: 	feet                             	|
| Level:	47                               	|
| Material: leather                          	|
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| Type:     	armor                        	|
| AC:  10                                    	|
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| Affects moves by 50                        	|
| Affects mana by 15                         	|
| Affects hp by 15                           	|
| Affects saves by -2                        	|